
UIFlow Guide

UIFlow 1.0 Blockly



Atomic Base

UIFlow 1.0 Project

Publish Firmware

Function Description
This tutorial will show you how to upload and share your own firmware program via M5Burner. Note: Before using this feature, please click the Login button in the upper right corner, and login with your M5Stack community account.

1.After opening the M5Burner software, click USER CUSTOM in the lower left corner, and select Publish option.

2.Fill in the information related to the release of firmware

Fill in the information description
Name: The name of the shared firmware
Version: The version number of the firmware
Description: The brief introduction of the firmware and the instructions for using it
Device Type: The type of the host device of the firmware
Github: The Github page of the firmware program. Link
FirmWare: The firmware being shared (we recommend using the Fireware Export function that comes with M5Burner)
Cover: The cover image of the firmware that will be displayed in Burner.

3.Wait for the firmware to upload successfully, if the firmware was uploaded successfully last time, you will see the uploaded firmware in the current interface.

Clicking on the Detile button allows you to make secondary changes to the firmware information.

Click the Publish button to change the public status of the firmware.

Click the Share button to get the Share Code of the firmware, you can share the Share Code to other people, and use the Share Burn function to burn the shared firmware.

Clicking the Delect button removes the firmware from Burner.

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